Monday, February 23, 2009

Teng-Teng Whitie is Missing!

Posted by SwitSexyThing at 9:03 AM
My cute little two week old kitty cat is missing and I'm sick with worry! I have searched the whole house even pretending to cry like a cat to cajole her to answer back but to no avail. We have already tried talking, cajoling, getting mad at the mother to force her to show up with Whitie but still that's no use! I'm so frustrated and Jay misses her like crazy to. Whitie and her mom Tuki have been sleeping with us since last week and we are treating her like our very own baby. We have to since she is enjured with a big flesh would on her chest which I think was caused by too much lugging arround by her mom who is always moving her to one location to the next. I think what happened here is Tuki tried to lug Whitie back to our house when we put their original crib (with them ofcourse) out of the house since we will be out of the day. Since Tuki can't put Whitie in our room then she put her elsewhere! And elsewhere is proving to be nowhere! Darn that cat! We just miss her so much. And what if Tuki can't find her too and she dies with hunger? Or get lost because she can now crawl her way around? Or get eaten by another animal? We have't sleeped soundly because of this. If I have to get a cat whisperer to get the information out of Tuki then I will! Just to get Whitie back! =(

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