Friday, July 17, 2009

Still on Animal Cruelty and Doing Something About It

Posted by SwitSexyThing at 12:17 PM

I am still so bothered about the situation of cats and dogs in China that I decided to make it my mission to let as many people know about it. I wrote yesterday to the producers of The Oprah Show to urge them to make a story about this cruelty. Being an animal lover, I am sure that Oprah would want to do this show but the decision for now rests on her producers. I hope that they will take notice and reveal this hurrendous act to the world. It is just so senseless and cruel and sad! Everyday that pass without something being done is a day wasted. I am always praying daily to God that he clears the mind of these people and save the animals.

Meanwhile, the Philippines, or her senators at least, are thinking of putting a greyhound race track in Luzon and Cebu. Can you believe this stupidity?! The country is plagued with problems and all they could think of and put their precious time in is weather to put a racetrack that not just kill and torture a lot of dogs but also promote gambling in the country. I am not paying a freaking P3,000/month on taxes to pay these people to do this!!! I just don't know what they are thinking! Good thing, five senators are already voting NO. Please help convince the others by signing in the petition located here. Please do sign and spread the word. We don't need this is our country! Update: the poll is now on its 298th petition signer. Yey!

I will rant about how Harry Potter 6 stunk later. Will have to tend on my farm for now.

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